Monday, September 23, 2013


After 13 hours of plane flights, 1 hour of sleep and 5 hours of time travelling ahead I made it to the peoples republic of china and met up with Lucadino! I was fully expecting to go to Lucas home right off the bat and meet his family and rest a little. However Luca was thinking a little differently and of course I had to say yes. He offered that we take a 1 1/2 week trip. First stop Lucas old college town full of 13 colleges. Yea, population of everything is a little different here. We met up with his friends and did what everyone here does for fun, we went to sing some karaoke. Karaoke comes with buffet as well. The 6 of us ate food, sang and laughed for 3 hours. Mind you this was on 1 hour of sleep and drastic changes in climate, food, people, air, company, basically everything.

After singing our hearts out which was surprisingly really fun we walked around the town which was full of Chinese college students. Then 10 of us found our way over to a Chinese barbecue restaurant. I was not hungry after the buffet but I continued to eat everything and everyone made sure I did. While eating, family style,  we played dice drinking games until late! They like to drink! Because many had class the next morning at 8:30, go China!

Today we woke up and then went to a classic Chinese brunch Gunangzhou is famous for having the most delicious food in China,  so im told but by people who are probably have a bias. Either way it was ddelicious but these people eat everything. Chicken feet, pigeons head among other things im sure I didnt even know about. We then went to the amusement park. I never thought I would find myself at an amusement park again let alone one in China.  But we had a great day and I got over my fear of rollercoasters, at least partially (I didnt cry this time haha). Now we are spending the night at Lucas friend from universities apartment in the downtown.


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