Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lantau Island, Hong Kong

Yeaaa so I'm in Hong Kong, smokin da bong, all night long, like cheech and chong, we get along, until the break of dawn, cause' I ain't got no pannies on!

Damn I should be a rapper. I left my little, crowded room in Kowloon (a part of HK, technically mainland) today and headed out for the big Buddha with all 30lbs on my back. I grabbed some food from a restaurant that Anthony Bourdain said was one of his favorite spots in HK. It didn't have the typical ambience as most of the restauratants in Gucci-ville (Hong Kong), but more of a mainland China feel as chickens, pigs and yes Go Ducks are hanging up in the windows. This was actually the first restaurant ive been to where the entire pigs were hanging up, and of course I had to get what Anthony Bourdain got, the pig. I'm considering going vegetarian for a while.

After a ferry ride and a bus ride up the mountain where it seemed impossible for anyone to live low and behold lies the big Buddha. Here I did some hiking on the surrounding mountains. Upon descending I was starving and headed for town around 6:30 to find out a ghost town. I luckily got some food and wondered around. I got a little too curious for some of the dogs and got chased back to my hostel. I have met the k-9 branch of the cripes and ill make sure to stay out of their territories now


  1. I'm in Glenview, thinking of you, wondering when I get to see that view.
    You're not the only rapper :)

  2. Gucci-ville very funny - mom is not even in the same galaxy as you for rapping, but I bet her pig tastes better.

  3. FYI - Your post put a smile on my face after a long (but good) day.
