Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mid Autumn festival


The stars aligned and the moon shone for me to be able to spend the mid-autumn festival with Lucas family. It is the second most importsnt holiday in China and had I not been with Luca it probably would have been similar to a Jew on X-mas.

We started off eating brunch with some family friends. It is important to note that in China, in my experience, everyone eats in what they call hotels. In these hotels you rent individual rooms where you eat priavately with your party. In every room their is a private bathroom, couch, TV and round table with a rotating table where all the food is served. Food is ordered in dishes and placed on the spinner. When you are hungry spin the dish that you want until it gets to you,  but be careful not to spin when others are serving themselves. When you serve yourself you typically have a special set of chopsticks for public use otherwise the dish has a set of chopsticks on top for you to serve with. Chew with your mouth open,  spit bones and food on your plate. Something I learned to do and I actually love doing it, wait and see for yourself!

After brunch we went to the hometown of Lucas mom and dad. First stop: hanging out and a meal at Lucas grandma (mom side)

Second stop hanging out and a meal at Lucas grandma (dad side). I've never eaten so much crab before. Seafood is abundant and fresh because they live so close to the sea. After dinner we eat more, played cards,  lit candles and thanked ancestors all while many fireworks and fire lanterns were in the air.

We then went for a walk in this great park and watched the full moon. After a walk it was time for more family (idk how they were related) and food. we sat around and grilled in the streets.

Finalmente we went to Lucas and hung out on his balcony looked at the moon and eat the legendary moon cake.

I'm full thinking about it.

Oh ya, I forgot to mention the holiday is centered around the full moon.


  1. Chewing with your mouth open, spitting food on your plate, gee just can't wait :)
    BTW - I've experienced the open mouth chewing before - not a fan!

  2. Mouth open eating, you are my son, and my fathers grandson - couldn't be prouder.
