Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A visionary, vision is scary

Cripes, just had a whole page written and then it got deleted.

Basically I had a conversation with a women from Boston tonight about college and college degrees. It was a refreshing convo that I don't get to have in person with many of these thinkers but I know there are many.

Is it a waste of time and money to go to get a degree without a proper end to a job after you graduate? Is this the way older generations have always thought and now younger one's and going to university without a clue of what they will be

Finance degrees, advertising and marketing all lead to a direct field leading to a large ladder to climb. This is a ladder I do not want to climb. I do not mind hardwork but I do if it is not something I get satisfaction from.

I believe that I am visionary and am unique amongst peers my age. I believe that I will find a way to sustain myself without having to work an unsatisfying job. Is this young and naive of me to think?  That things will fall into place and it will all turn out alright in the end? Do I have to bleed, sweat and study to be the best I can be at one skill to excel in the workforce?

Either way being a visionary fron anybody during any time period took a lot of laughs, criticism, effort and confidence to complete which makes it scary. 

I met a German guy in Bangkok who told me a saying they have in Germany. "You go to university to learn how to learn".

I had one of the best days ever today and I was almost by myself the whole time. I love that.

Here I am on my baby, motorbike who spent all day on. I ran out of daylight and had to bike on dirt roads,  it was awesome. The other picture is of a hill tribe I drove to and walked around in. It was stunningly beautiful. 


  1. glad your wearing a helmet, a lot of dough invested in that visionary head.
    No room for 6 Thai ladies on that bike, but couldn't you have picked our even one?
    There are some cool hill tribes up near the Burmese border that you have to hike a half day to find, no roads. We were at one for Jihelah's 10th birthday. The whole village was constructed from local bamboo and was not electrified in Spring 2003.
    Are you going into Laos, I've never been there, but Jihelah was earlier this year, and wasn't Emma there a few years ago too. Siem Reap (Ankor Wat) in Cambodia is definitely worth a peak, and the Beaches of Thailand, the islands, and the Malay Peninsula... don't fall so in love with motor bikes that you give up mtn biking.

  2. you go, son! (I'm neither as eloquent or well travelled as my esteemed brother, aka Uncle Osh)

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