Thursday, October 2, 2014

Your life according to pants

How has your life transformed depending on the pants you wear?

Surely your mood, feeling, stage in life and personality can be reflected by the pants your wear.

Recently my life has taking a drastic change. How do I know this? Its because the pants I'm wearing. For my job I was told that I couldn't wear jeans unless I had a tie/blazer. If I only wanted to wear a shirt (button up) I had to wear...... yes you guessed it, big boy pants. This was heart breaking news and I knew this change in pants reflected a new period of my life, if having a job didn't already do that.

Some people don't even need to go shopping once they land a job because their closet mimics that of a working person. Ties, shoes, pants, shirts, f-bags etc. I was not one of those people.

My pants reflect outdoor activity, comfort and all colors of the rainbow.

When I was a little boy I had a hard time dealing with pants at all, just ask my family what I did right after coming back from school :) As Chicago isn't suitable for shorts year round I was forced into wearing pants, my choice: sweatpants. Man did I wear everyone of those pairs into the ground and I sure had a lot of pairs, you know for all kinds of situations. Formal sweatpants, hanging out sweatpants, school sweatpants, holiday party sweatpants. All the categories of pants one would need for life, all in sweatpants.

In middle school as hormones just started to ramp up and zits started appearing on faces all of a sudden people began having interest in girls. But girls know who has style and who doesn't and sweatpants aren't exactly staring fashion shows. So I tried to make the switch, but I couldn't.

Finally as junior high rolled around I began to add a pair or 2 of jeans in my repertoire, only when I wanted to look good but feel horrible.

When I finally entered high school I knew I had to step up to the big leagues and strap on some jeans. However any day shorts were an option they would be on, and I still had my fair share of sweatpants. But social pressures call especially if you ever want a girlfriend, who doesn't only wear sweatpants that is.
By the end of HS I had got used to wearing jeans and could now stand them. Although everyone one of my pairs had to pass all kinds of tests in the dressing rooms.

When college began I was fine with jeans. I could wear them in public but whenever I was in my dorm or hanging out low key with friends, you could bet your arm I was wearing shorts or comfy pants.

In college I began to like my pants and actually think they were comfortable but still I would choose my comfy pants any day of the week, especially in casa.

When I was travelling I would wear my travel pants with pockets to keep my things safe. I woild also wear the balloon pants that everybody would wear in Asia, letting the breeze in and the comfort in full stride.

However my life has changed drastically. I'm in a bit of a crisis. Now im wearing big boy pants (only 4 hrs a day) and jeans are my comfy pants.  What has happened to my life?

Should I be proud or disappointed? Accept it or fight it? Feel like an adult or a kid? To say the least im having an existential crisis. Am I being geenweeno?

How have the pants you wear affect your life?

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