Monday, October 27, 2014

Working & Traveling... Although you only want to be traveling.

A means to an end? or a means to an end? Most teachers language teachers in Latin America don't take the job to put their paychecks into savings for their dream house or car they've dreamed about since they were 12 years old (unless maybe your working at an American/German/French/British school). They are here to gain experience living and working in another country. People are here for many different reasons but the majority being to learn Spanish, make new friends, PARTY, live cheaply, take a hiatus from their own countries, fall in love, etc, etc. But one thing is for sure, we are all here to TRAVEL! Yes, we all share that commonality. We want to work so when we are free we can head outside of the city to the countryside full of more culture, beauty and fresh air. However, dreaming about this at home or on the airplane ride over is a little different than the reality of it might be. Some language schools here only have Sundays off (yes, you have to work on saturdays). Working on weekends should be illegal. One of my commandments. If this is the case for you, then you better be damn near to a place and have your bags packed to leave after class on Saturday and return on Sunday night. With any travelers this is always the problem. You need more time in one place or your hear about another place once your on the road. Sparking more ideas and thinking of heading down new roads to new destinations with new friends (or by yourself). Letting the wind take your from place to place and staying as long or as short as your spirt desires. However, having class to get back to on Monday morning or afternoon leaves you no time to let the wind blow you around the traveling world.

Once you have done a backpacking trip it is impossible to live normally again. It is one of the most stand out experiences of your life, but you always want to be on the road without any guidelines or restrictions except some ideas of places your want to visit and your budget, which is never quite enough.

This brings me to the questions I've been pondering. Is it better to work in a country with a good salary and then travel when time permits (will it permit?) OR work abroad as a language teacher and not make that much but have the weekends to travel.

I really like my job here in Arequipa, Peru and have been enjoying my time here so far, I don't want anyone to get the impression that I haven't. However, it is more working than I want to be doing and not as much traveling as I would like to be doing. But, I think that would always be the case. Even if I only had to teach two classes per week. Time is never enough and its precious. So take the time when you have it and enjoy it while you have it. Be ready to go. Be ready to rough it incase of anything and most of all have an open attitude. Even if the trip didn't end up like you planned or you it wasn't what you were hoping for/expecting, now you know!

For me, a means to an end and that end is traveling.

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