Sunday, September 14, 2014

Arriving in style

After only a 30 minute layover in Houston (I was freaking out I wasn't going to catch my flight-not recommend) I was on my way out of the country again after 8/9 months back in the U.S. However, this time it didn't feel so far it was a 6-7 hr flight and I was still in the same time zone as Chicago. This factor was especially nice because I didn't have to deal with jetlag, although I think anytime you travel by plane you get a little case of it.

After touching down in Peru, my new home for now, I was getting ready to have to speak Spanish to navigate my way through the airport and go through customs, where the lines are always longer than your patience. As I exited the plane and was turning the corner towards customs the first thing I see is a guy in a suit holding up a lamented name card "Macabee Greenwald". As I looked at him laughing to myself I said "Soy Macabee Greenwald, quien eres?"
He immediately began speaking to me in English and welcoming me to Peru. In most situations like this where people greet you at transportation centers in other countries you have to be skeptical and careful, making sure not to give them your things and always make sure to consult others. And most importantly don't get pushed into taking a taxi, bus etc you do not want to take or feel comfortable with how pushy they are being.
But this was a different situation and I trusted him. We went to the diplomat section of customs with no line. As everybody was looking at me to see who I was and holding doors for me and clearing the way for me as if I actually was a diplomat. I'll run in the upcoming elections for a position as the minister of fun.
After getting escorted by Eduardo around the airport we stepped outside as there were 3 black cars in a row with tinted windows and men in suits around each car. Eduardo whispered me directions on which car to get in. And there at the end of this maze of escorting Kiara was waiting with her mom! As we drove back a motorcycle cleared the way with his light's as we drove through downtown Lima.

It was a pretty stylish way to enter the country. But I deserved it right? Yeah, I'll think so.

I'll finish this post up later, just wanted to get some thoughts out and let you know I'm doing well!

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