Sunday, November 24, 2013

Will the real Myanmar please stand up

The land of the red stained teeth, but the golden smile. One of the only places a man looks fashionable and normal in a skirt (I must say its refreshing:)). Driving wheels on both sides of their 1960s battered cars. No McDonalds or other chain stores/restaurants (although they are making their way in). The land of simple bamboo houses but extravagant golden pagodas. A place where people give when they barely have anything for themselves, they are the most genuine and easy going people I have met. The place where people ask you if you are happy and truly hope you will return to their country. Somewhere where nobody is truly on the same page about road conditions, places you can travel, if you are being spied on, what the government is going to do next, if they will truly have fair elections in 2015, when the South East Asian games are even though they are being held in Myanmar. A place with one mother who has fought and will continue to fight for her people, and whom everyone considers their mother and loves her like one, Aung Sun Suy Gyi.
A place that is truly poor but there are hardly any beggers. You cannot avoid seeing poverty, people sleeping on streets as rats run past them, large piles of rubbish that stink up street corners, broken sidewalks and pudddles of oddly colored stagnant water. Seeing people taking bucket showers in public is common, especially in the rivers that are sometimes full of rubbish. A land where the family business is your business. Where people sleep where they can, in the back of their taxi pickup trucks, bicycle taxis and anywhere in the shade when they get a chance. A place with 3 seasons: rainy, cold and hot, but most would consider the cold season their summer. A place where people love to combine Grand Royal Whisky, which seems to sponsor the country,  and Myanmar beer.
A place where you can be the first tourist to lay eyes on a place. Somewhere you can see how the land naturally looks and functions without little human interruption and its beautiful. 
Somewhere that has a future which nobody is sure about but everyone is looking forward to. You can feel the development and see it coming but selfishly as a tourist you want it to remain the same and at the least hope they do not sell out and screw themselves over.

When you are un Myanmar you know you are in Myanmar, there is no avoiding it ir trying to live your lifestyle in this country and that iswhat makes it so amazing for some and difficult for others.

A place where you feel far away from the rest of the world but all the people want and try is to make you feel at home


  1. Mac, what a great writer you have become. Your stories are captivating. Love you,
    Mom xoxo

  2. yeah, and keep practicing that art, we missed you wanderer enjoy thanksgiving
