Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Today was a brilliant day in capoadoccia! Im going to sleep now but will write more another time, no time to rest from havibg fun its hard to get a break. Here is me and the "3 beauties". Man are they ever! Cappadoccia is like walking on the moon and finding alien remnants of life. Bazar is the only word that comes to mind. Today I met a 44 year old Turkish dude and we chilled all day miscomnunicating, communicating through thinfs other than words, food, castles, backgammon, beer and laughs.

Here is another picture of me in a cave house in ürgüp, where I currently am. I am with some local Turks who I met through my hostel owner named memet. They speak very very little English but we have now hung out 2 nights in a row. Very fun crazy people.  Especially when you cant understand them


  1. Your mom, dad and little sis here in the Hood. Steelhead last night, road ride in the AM and SUP this afternoon. Now we are grilling burgers. They hear to CA en la ManaƱa. You are in all our thoughts.keep posting. AND more photos!

  2. take a look at these web pages, images kapadokya Turkey
