Friday, April 17, 2015

It's all relative

I'll have to get used to telling people I'm not 23 but now 24 as of yesterday. As now I am in my mid twenties I'll have to start to take on the responsibilities that come with being 24.

To prep myself I spent my last day being 23 as Luke Skywalker battling Anakin Skywalker in many lightsaber stand offs. What it looked like to people passing by was a 23 year old and a 6 year old running around a yard hitting each other with plastic colored sticks with cool special effects for hours on end. As outlandish and irresponsible as this may sound I have been dulled to feeling public shame or childish after my improv class at second city. Take it as you will but I do with a smile on my face. It is hard to find a lot of people who are perfectly complacent with what they are doing and where they are in their personal lives. It is important to remember to be happy where you are and enjoy with what your doing. Especially, if you know that what your are doing is temporary, like babysitting. If it's so bad that you find yourself questioning your morales and constantly unhappy. Then get yourself out of there if you have given it a fair chance and get your hunting shoes on. They call it a job hunt for a reason because you have to find your prey, stalk it then shoot it. Chances are it's not being done for you.

You can tell your really friends with someone if you continue communication and friendship once you have completed the stage of life you were in together.  For example if you are friends from college remaining friends after college. It is easy to lose contact with people. By reaching out to someone after leaving the place or job where you met it shows effort and thoughtfulness. It is how friendship is maintained and contact is not lost. However, there are also friends that no matter how long you have not talked with them when you see them all is as it was.

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