Sunday, November 16, 2014

Finding your community

NuWhat is community? How do you become a part of it? By choice? By acceptance? By hobbies? Work? Friends? Random selection?

Finding your community is important for success and happiness. But how do we find those people who share mutual interests when you are in a new environment?

You talk to people, you ask questions, you read signs, you stop people who are wearing t-shirts or riding a bike, playing an instrument or kicking a soccer ball. You search. We all have interests and believe it or not your not alone. Everywhere you go to you can find somebody who shares the same interest, passions and hobbies. Even if it's in a different language or in a different contezt. Maybe you play on concrete instead of grass, play at night instead of the day or have to rent space versus using your own basement. Whatever the differences are the activities are more or less the same.

I finally found my soccer community after searching for a long time. I've been handing out my number asking everyone I meet and trying to send out all my signals and finally I got one back! This process sometimes all falls into place in one day or sometimes you have to keep trying to weeks. But its important to be persistent not get donw on yourself and most importantly never give up.

Find your community. Spend your free time doing things you enjoy. But very importantly try things you've never tried before. Meet people with different hobbies and try there's. Ask them if you can tag along. Because it could end up being your new hobby.

Also importantly be the person to invite people to do your hobbies with you if they've never done it before. Make people step outside of there normal hobbies and give yours a go. Don't just take, make sure to give as well.

Playing soccer at midnight under the moon and the lights only hearing our own footsteps hitting the concrete and the street dogs barking were the noises of me finding my soccer community here in Arequipa.  Splitting a celebratory coca cola afterwards between the 12 of us with only 3 Dixie cups being passes around was the cherry on top. As the time ticked and I knew I had to be up in a few hours to teach I said eff it. You have to risk it to st the biscuit!

Try new things, your never to old to start something new, because your ALIVE! Act like it!

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