Monday, December 9, 2013

And that's a wrap...for now!

Well well well. What do we have here Mr. Calendar. What do you read? The 10th of who? DECEMBER??? No it can't be. It's just not possible.
"Excuse me sir, do you have the date?"
"The 10th"
"Of what?"

How did this date arrive? The trip seemed endless and the lifestyle everlasting, hopefully it will be. But wow, this journey took all kinds of sideroads and twisted tunnels that I could have never forseen and that was the beauty of it. It turned out the way it was supposed to, well maybe not even that, it just turned out the way it did, and the way it did was a way I could have never planned, and that's why I didn't, and why most likely I never really will! (Sorry mom!)

I saw the lowest of lows in society and the highest of highs.

As I was overlooking Syria from a ridge from the Golan heights I listened as bombs continuously went off, only 20 kilometers away, with the realization that people were losing homes, families and there possessions.

In Turkey as I was waiting to catch a local bus to Ürgub I went to a store to buy an Orange before the bus ride. Not understanding quite right I handed him too much money. He could have taken the money and said thanks, as I was a foreigner, we are stupid and supposed to get ripped off right? No he went running after me to hand me back my money, which turned out to only be a few cents. I didn't care about receiving the money just small acts of kindness and morality that makes you feel protected, that you are being looked out for. 

The warm arms (even if they weren't literally arms because hugging and body contact is not always welcomed in Asia) that welcomed me when I entered my friends and their families. It was way more than I could have ever asked for and I never felt like I was out of place,  although pictures look otherwise haha.

But it showed me the love and kindness that exists from the middle east, to east Asia and southeast Asia. In many diverse societies where in some religion is deep rooted and others where social groups are hard to enter. It didn't matter my religion, my skin color, my big nose, or my inability to speak their languages.

Even more touching then being welcomed in by my friends and there families was being welcomed in by people who I had just met. Most specifically in Thailand  and Myanmar. People I literally just met who were not other travellers, but the local people, took me in as if I was a brother and now I feel like these people are my brothers. Taking me to remote villages where foreigners rarely visited and in some had never visited, but I was still treated like a brother. These people owed me nothing and in some cases had close to nothing but they wanted to give me anything and everything. There are no words for these people, the only thing I can say is I hope to see them again and that I would do the same for them if they ever visited me.

Seeing friends that I hadn't seem anywhere between 1 month and 3 years was way cooler than I could have imagined.

Israel- Yak & Leah
Turkey- Yusuf
China- Luca & Peilin
Hong Kong- The Ronalds
Thailand- Jesse
China (2nd time)- Yiren, Joaquin
Japan- ROY! Sato, Ayumi, Roy Hongo, Kazu.

As Lucas family friend said friendship is as wide as the sky and long as the universe.

I could write forever, but I think the people at this sushi bar I'm sitting at for breakfast want me to order more than miso soup if I'm going to be here forever!

Travelling is a lifestyle. A lifestyle I won't be able to stop living.

This time has been amazing but I am excited to be back in the USA, especially to be back with my family at 639 echo lane. I understand what gpops means when we ask him what his favorite place in the world is.

Love you all! And see you all soon!

Also I CANT BELIEVE MY SISTER IS GETTING MARRIED!!!! Huge felicidades a mi hermana!!!

The world is a beautiful place.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Japanese brotha

Haven't seen my boy Roy in about 3 years now. Which sounds like wayyyy longer than it feels because we made so many amazing memories together. It was crazy seeing him again with such a gap of time between us. After 1:30 hours of looking for each other (we're both good with planning details) we found each other and we were off. What do you begin talking about after not seeing each other for 3 years? I wished I could just say one massive word and tell him everything at once but I'm still trying to invent that word. We spent the rest of the night catching up, laughing and making new memories. Before too long we were back to the basics of our friendship and it was awesome. I think it was difficult for him a little ar first adjusting to speaking English and he didn't want to feel or show me that he might not remember all his English.  But in reality we were communicating better than we ever have. His English might be better than ever and in a few snaps he was speaking "Mac" again and noone could understand us haha. I also think he was a little off guard seeing me again especially in Japan, he said he thought he would probably never see me again.

After spending 3 unbelievable days of friendship together (not trying to make this a love story) all of a sudden we were having to say "nos vemos" again (not goodbye). He is seriously my Japanese brother. We dig each other's thoughts, approach to life, jokes, love towards others, happiness, dancing skilks haha and just each other's company.

But part of the reason it was a little strange at first when we first met is because he is working a job that is not who he is and it doesn't make him happy. It took him a second to throw this off of his shoulders and fall back into himself again. That's what I loved so much about seeing him again because I knew he would shortly crack out of this shell his job put on him and jump back into his comfy clothes. I was so happy to be able to help him do this and with the time we spent together I'm sure he will leave his job shortly and follow what he wants to do. Because we both understand (as much as one can try to) that life is short, you could die tomorrow and you wouldn't want to do it without living your life the best way you can. A compromise between what you want to and what you can actually do, but way more on the side of what you want to do and what makes you feel like making life worth living. Feeling every breath and being invested with your heart and energy into what your doing as well as having time to yourself.

But what do we know were just dreamers, but were not the only ones!

An unforgettable few days that has addedd to the highlight reel of my trip and definitely to the top of my Japan trip and I've had an awesome 8 days here.

Also, so cool to meet friends in there own homes/countries. Seeing the way you act in there countries and they act in yours. Understanding each other on a level that you couldn't before, there mannerisms, phrases,  childhood, environment, everyday life.

Also I love caos. Not being certain of anything. Looking behind the closed door and the unknown. For me adventure is not knowing and I can't live without adventure.